I should have post this in early January but well, I guess everyone will be posting similar stuff, so I hesitated in the defense of staying different with others. =p. To start off, I guess some of you still pondering why I used Rainbows And Wishes as my Posterous account. Ooh, here's a funny story, one of my Sydney friends commented on my page saying this "Rub, cool post, keep writing, although I don't see the connection ... Rainbow and Sandwiches?!" . DANG! So I'd like to make one thing clear, its RAINBOWS AND WISHES. And the mystery behind is as simple as the beautiful colors that compose rainbow pretty much resembles the colors of my life. There's the bright shiny ones, there will also be the dark misty ones, but together it create one of the most magical landscape.
So in that spirit, I'm coloring my another great year ahead with these new stuff. I might add some along the way, but here's what I've been cracking with for the whole January and will keep doing so.
ONE Its a book with exactly 365 pages. I named it
Minimal Details. I believe its the small details in life that attracts happiness and its our human tendency to forget it. So I've been writing the tiny bits of bliss in my life, my statement of gratefulness, journal entries, artworks, and things that excites me like photos and stuff. Also I'm learning to make sort of scrapbook-artsy thingy, not very satisfied with 'em so far, but I'll get better. Hope somebody would share some of the tricks.
Oh, and also by the end of this year, on Christmas I'm gonna share this book with some of my dearest. Enjoy the rainbow with me and see if you made into one of the entries. =)

As a loyal Twittizen, I've been trickling with ideas as how to improve and make a better use of my tweets. So here what I resolve with:
- #Foodporn : this will be a series of food and drinks nudity displayed with no censorship for your visual pleasure. Also with the small hints of the taste. I'm not into numbering / scoring foods. That's subjective, I mean 7 for me could be 4 to others. So I prefer to speak out what my tongue tasted. Keep in touch with this and before you know it, the next time you think about porn, all you'll get is images of prime ribs, salmon skin roll, chicken kang pun ki, and seaweed salad.
- #Winegasm : pretty much similar, but as the name represent, specially dedicated for wine. Wine is an even more intricate being, its even harder to rate, and I'm way behind from being a wine-taster. So I'm just gonna share who I enjoyed it with. For me there's no bad wine, there's only good, very good, or awesome!
- #1Word : a very simple tweet. One new english vocabulary a day, and at the end of the year I would've learned 365 new words, and maybe inspire some to use them as well.
If you're up for it, you can follow me here
@captainruby. That is all for now. I've got some more colors to display here, that's gonna be part two, keeping the post short. Just gotta wait for it.
Smile on, Shine on Peeps!