As it is with many new foodplace nowadays, their design is well thought of. From the low ceiling, woody interior, placement of the bars, their cute logo until the little hint of yellow in their uniforms. These feast to the eyes have almost become a necessary before the patrons are pampered with the feast in their bellies.
I got myself asking what could be the specialties from Yellowfin who segment themselves as Sake Bar. Aside from their alcohols of course. But I simply couldn't think of any. Might as well go random. I called out the waitress and asked for the current favorites. She suggested the Tonkotsu Ramen (Spicy Pork Ramen) and Tontoro Chahan (Pork Fried Rice). I guess she's playing the safe side. You know, a chinese looking guy starving for food. "Stuff him some pork and you're done!" That might be what's on her mind. Hahaha
Jokes aside, I respected her trying to be informative to customers, and that's exactly what I had.
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Hot Tonkotsu Ramen (Lvl. 1) 55k. |
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Tontoro Chanan. 35k. |
The ramen on my tounge's point of view is a hunch above average. I can sense a good mix of flavor on the broth. It wasn't as meaty as Ikkousha though. However, it has the creamy consistency that I favored in Ikkousha. This could be a winning dish, if only they serve more slices of pork instead of giving just .... one slice. I ended up questioning the price tag. 55k.
I filled myself with a lot of expectation from the second menu, only to have myself disappointed again. I wouldn't call it Fried Rice. Oily rice would be a better fit. The rice were overcooked in the first hand, resulting in a very slimy texture, added with more greasy part of pork meat, multiply it with excessive frying oil, voila! I just got myself a plateful of fat. 35k is surely wasn't worth it.
The only enlightenment that afternoon was from the drinks, Ponyo and Apple Ocha. Yes, some of the drinks are name after Studio Gibhli's work. Ponyo is a blend of passionfruit and mango. Refreshing, fruitful and sweet.
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Ponyo (Passionfruit & Mango blend) 35k and Apple Ocha 28k |
I guess one visit is not enough of a verdict. I'll be coming back soon enough to try their Dinner menu. Hopefully I'll end up with a happier belly next time. The Dinner menu somehow looks more promising then the Lunch menu.
Until then, Tune In, Eat Up !
Fellexandro Ruby
Food Conversationalist & Photographer
Munch on my tweets @WANDERBITES
Jalan Senopati No. 42
Ph: 021-7220394
Twitter: @yellowfinjkt
HAHA, so funny! "a starving-looking chinese dude", certainly pork will do the trick, right? LOL
ReplyDeleteGila, by, males bgt bayangin makan nasgor isi minyak euuww...ama nasgor pinggiran dkt kntor gw kykny msh lbih enak deh hahaha...
ReplyDeleteHehehe, ya mungkin karena minyak babinya juga kali cha, jadi nya minyak kuadrat.
ReplyDeletengomong2 soal nasgor, pernah nyobain "dewa nasi goreng" di dalem carrefour CP ngga? enak tuh.. pake wajan & api super gede.. ngga berminyak & bau gosong2nya wangi.. sayang tak berbabi :D
ReplyDeletePERNAH! Sering malah waktu masih belajar foto di Central Park. Mantep tuh, nasi goreng + telor aja tp bisa bikin perut hepi (dan kantong jg). =p
ReplyDeleteInteriornya bagus ya, cuman jauh deh di senopatih hehe
ReplyDeleteGa jauh kok, cuma seputeran SCBD aja. Give it a try if you're curious =)
Deletepake camera n lensa tipe apa sih? shots nya ciamik bgt ♥
ReplyDeleteDSLR Merek C dgn lensa C 50mm. Belum disponsor jadi ga mau nyebut merek. HAHAHA. Thankssss for the compliment. Come again =D
Deletemeskipun review makanannya kurang oke, tetapi hasil foto makanan selalu membuat lapar, always well taken by mr Ruby !! Adore your food shots !! :D
ReplyDeleteRamen nya kok kalo dari photo terlihat seperti mienya mie ayam ya :x Ga kaya ramen jepang. Trus something that I love from Japanese ramen is their Japanese style half boiled egg, di mana eggnya di"marinate" di shoyu dulu, trus bagian kuningnya meleleh tapi putihnya mateng. Ini kayanya kuningnya udh terlalu mateng :x
ReplyDeleteBenarkah itu Ruby? Secara saya cm liat gambar :x
Betul! Gua juga seneng sama ramen yg telurnya half boiled alias meleleh. Nah kalau ini gayanya 3/4 mateng, jadi masih soft banget kuningnya tapi ga liquid.
DeleteAnw, bisik-bisik katanya ramennya bukan selfmade menu, tapi cuma kerjasama sama sanpachi =p
Ramen 38 and yelofin are of the same owner! He's a jkt born japanese.
Sering lewatin jalan ini dan selalu ramai si Yellow fin ini...ternyata gak ada label halal nya yaa..batal mampir :) seperti biasa..foto nya selalu baguuusss
ReplyDeletewow amazing... should try
ReplyDeleteTried the ramen last weekend, but disappointed because they use Rawit for the spicy flavour, and I ordered level 3, which is so spicy I can't feel the broth taste anymore. Their gindara is delicious though
ReplyDeleteWord on the street the ramen is sourced from Sanpachi. So, you get the idea. =)
Deletethe pork belly is very nice though as the name suggest contains a lot of fat.. but very tasty..
ReplyDeletedeket rumah gue nih.. emang sih selalu rame dan bikin muacet!! dari luar cuma bagus layout dan ornamen2nya, tapi ternyata makanannya kurang sip ya? terakhir liat ada kok mbak2 kantoran pake kerudung yang makan disitu, hmmm..
ReplyDeleteMau nanya dunk ^_^ di sono ada menu curry rice ato omurice tak, ya?
ReplyDeleteKalo ada, kepengen tau rasanya enak apa ngga XD
Hi, ga inget ada menu itu, dan emang ga pernah makan Curry rice / Omurice di sini.
DeleteI personally recommend Mr. Curry atau Go Curry di Pacific Place =)