Monday, February 11, 2013

Cooking With Chef Bara Pattiradjawane

Hi Chef Bara, pardon this non-tv-watching guy, sir. I have no idea who you are prior to the event, but now I have a newfound respect for ya.

It's a whole different thing watching a cooking show on the screen and actually being in one. The tension of having to finish in an hour. The awkwardness of cooking seriously for the first time in four years. Remember chopping the onions? Not! And have I mention the heat? Bloody awfully hot.

Despite all the drama and the amateur bloopers, I was super lucky to share the kitchen with Febee (Ingredients of Life). I couldn't imagine the mess I would end up with if I was alone. We named our rendition of the recipe : Ikan #AsliCabeIjo Rock & Roll. Chef Bara's only comment was that it was more on the salty end. I was happy just being able to complete the challenge in time (while videotaping in between). There were about ten pairs of us, both food & travel bloggers competing for the prize. Arie Parikesit of Kelana Rasa and his team mate ended up bringing home the jackpot.

I'd like to stop at this point to avoid spoiling more of the fun, because I've personally curated the moments and compiled it into one video for all of you to enjoy. This 4 minutes highlight will tell you so much more of the story.

Oh, and while we're at that, I'd like to welcome you to my YouTube channel : Wanderbites.
I hope you enjoy what you find there. If you do, share it, and I'd like to hear some love from your likes or subscriptions.

There you have it. Thank you Indomie (@IndomieLovers) for hosting the event.


Fellexandro Ruby 
Food / Travel Photographer & Storyteller


  1. anjrit.. apa sih yang lo ga bisa?! Hahahaha itu kamera di tangan lo bisa jadi foto DAN video yang ciamik gini, keren Rubs!

    btw yang dituang di gelas2 di menit terakhir itu bukan jus cabe ijo kan? :p

    1. haha lebayy mi. ini juga sebenernya terjadi karena bosen foto. supaya tetep ngepost, gue coba sesuatu yg baru. glad you liked it ;)

  2. You are amazing Rubs. Hands down, the video sums the event perfectly and it's funny as well. Top job, as always.
    PS. I didn't even notice you filming me!

    1. And that's exactly why I like your scene the most. Candid! =D Glad you liked it, thanks.

  3. Keren abis Rubs & awalnya gw pikir gw tau nya video -____-

    1. Hahahaha. Asik donk, jadinya surpriseee. Awkward-awkward kocak gitu. HAHA.

  4. Keyen! Yakin Kak Rubs sambilan ngebantuin masaknya? :P

    1. YAKINNNNNNNNNN.. Kalo ga percaya tanya sama Kak Febee-nya =p

    2. Hahaha sampe nge-cek ke pagenya Kak Febee and found this statement "Ngakunya sih dia gak bisa masak, tapi saya gak percaya, karna Rubby cekatan sekali mempersiapkan bahan-bahan untuk membuat kuah santan si saus cabe ijo nya" Wohooo!

  5. sumpeeh kereen banget ini..jadi deh jalan2 ke Padang..kalo menang ajak2 yah sebagai partner masak...hihihihihi

  6. Nice video! Love how you put Jonsi song along with it : )

    1. Hi Angela, thank you. =D Am a big fan of Jonsi and his happier music lately.

  7. tu kan menang, apa kata gue


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