Monday, May 16, 2011

JFFF Day One: Es Selendang Mayang & Risol Setan

You're probably wondering what's JFFF? Its short for Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival. I'd leave the fashion part to the experts. Its an annual event held in Kelapa Gading - North Jakarta, now on their 8th years and still doing the wonders. A huge stockpile of numerous local culinary delights from all over Indonesia (and the popular ones at it) are brought under one roof. From Jakarta specialties such as Kerak Telor to Sulawesi's signature Bubur Manado to legendary streethawker Es Campur Acen. Its all right here. An Indonesian culinary heaven.

On my very first visit, my eyes fall straight into this delicious pair. Es Selendang Mayang and Risol Setan.

On the first glance, the green jellyish thingy might easily be mistaken as cingcau or the likes. Its actually what they call 'mayang', made from rice flour and sago flour. The mix made a rather sticky cake with soft texture. The green is coming from pandan leaves which added a hint of pandan fragrant. Here's a closer look of 'mayang'.

Mixed with ice, drenched in salty coconut milk, and poured with super sweet palm sugar.

I just can't leave this invigorating cup of heavenly fresh beverage until the last drop of it. Especially because I just had one plateful of scrumptiously hot Risol Setan. In english the meal translates as Devil Springrolls. Ha! Now you can imagine the kind of spicyness these four little rolls brings to the tongue.

Filled with a balanced mix of veggies, carrots, and eggs, the crispy skins adds an extra crunch of goodness to the spicy chili sauce. Just the way I like it, and most of us Indonesians like it. Here's a macro look of the fulfilling fillings. Indonesian friends abroad, I hope this makes you wanna come back soon. =p

I guess this time I'll let the pictures narrate the taste of these local Betawi specialties. These kind of food never fails to make my belly happy. I hope they make yours happy too. =) If you haven't got the chance, go visit Kampoeng Tempoe Doeloe at La Piazza Kelapa Gading. Savor the delicacies. Indulge your taste buds. Fall in love again with Indonesian food.

Cheers for Indonesian culinary!
Fellexandro Ruby


  1. oh lovely lovely. please take me there again! ;) Risol Setannya bikin nagih loh, hadeuh.. *lapar*

  2. bah gw benci jfff, gw jam setengah 7 ke gading.. ga bisa masuk.. ada parade2 kampret.. trus muter cari tempat masuk nya.. kejebak macet sampe jam 8 sial akhirnya pergi ke yuraku di sebrang moi..
    ga lagi2 de..

  3. @FERDIAN: HAHAHAHA, itu semua masalah timing sobb. makanya datengnya sore jem 3an. trus pulangnya jem 7. g lancarrr jaya kemarin. hehehe

  4. Halo, sori ganggu di blognya..

    Nama gw Prita dari Prompt Research (, marketing research di Kuningan. Kita lagi nyari orang yang bersedia berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan blogging yang akan dilakukan tanggal 23 Mei - 1 Juni. Kita butuh orang2 yang emg hobi blogging dan hobi kulineran. Kalo bersedia kabar2in yah, sama boleh minta contactnya yaaa, nanti mgkn bs dijelasin lebih lanjut.

    Thanks a lot.


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