Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ngo Hiang : The Legend from Gang Aut Bogor

Almost every time I mention Bogor as a culinary spot, the name Suryakencana pops up as well. This street remains attractive after so many years, thanks to a few eateries that preserve it's local taste. They should've got legendary medal of some sort.

One of them is Ngo Hiang Gang Aut. I recall coming here more than five years ago on a food-safari date with a friend who must took anti-cholesterol pills before she swallows these pork delicacies. It was a bit nostalgic when I got back here last December. The thick muddy brown sauce that covers the pork roll is still of the same smell. Mildly sweet, savory, and would only make sense if you eat it with the ngo hiang. You'll find it weird the first time, but after a while you'll get used to it.

Being an easily bored person as I am, I was not satisfied with one meal. The catchy name Pangsit Pengantin won my attention. One bowl after, I discovered it was nothing more than rice noodle soup with slices of chicken rollade and fried pangsit. The urban legend tells that it is usually served in weddings, thus the name 'pengantin'. Worth trying but not revisiting.

These are just two of oh-so-many gems that you could try along Suryakencana. I myself has been coming back to the next door Sotomie Agih for a few times. It also won appraisal from a few of my good friends. But everytime I got there, I was never with my SLR. Too bad, that review has got to wait. Before that happen, you might also want to visit a few recommended spot as laid out by our senior food blogger, Kang Banyumurti here.

Bogor is less than an hour away. With the extra of cool windy fresh(er) air and great food, it's worth escaping every once in a while. Oh, you could drop by Ah Poong, Sentul on your way there too.

I'm down with flu, but that doesn't stop me from writing. Stay healthy. Stay smileful.


Fellexandro Ruby
Food Storyteller & Photographer

Ngo Hiang Gang Aut
Jl. Suryakencana No. 309A
Ph: (0251) 328749

1 comment:

  1. a lil starcy for me....
    the meat ratio is too low for that price actually...


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