Monday, March 29, 2010

[Photos] 40th Jakarta Auctions -- Heavy Equipment

And so while in between of breaks, I took a liberty to make some shots for the company that I'm working now. We held our 40th auction last weekend for heavy equipment (excavator, wheelloader, asphalt paver, genset, air compressor, crane and the likes), trucks, and machinery. More than 400 equipments were auctioned on the day. It was a great event. Lots of happy customer going home with nice-clean-good-quality units at an affordable price as most of the equipments are built-up (imported).

Enough with that. Here's the slideshow. Hoping the photos will give you an idea of what we do, what was happening and the feel of bidding for a hundreds of million rupiah worth equipment. Enthusiasm. Competition. But most of all Joy in getting the equipment that you wanted. And finally using it to support your projects and make more money with it.

Ooh, this is my first time taking event-photos. So bear with me. =)

Smile on, Shine on

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

[Video] How To Make A Baby

Was browsing for stop-motion videos to keep my head inspired and stumbled on this.
LOL.. This is just too funny to keep it to myself. Oh, how I wish it would be this easy.

And all the girls say ...... Amen! (and sorry for the opening advertisement, it comes with the video)


Let's keep the post fun every once in a while.

Take a deep breath and wfhoooooooooo~

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where Are We Going, Babe?

This post is inspired by a friend of mine, Henry Gerson and his note Avoid Crashing. I really really encourage you to hit the page and come back here. This is a continuation of it, sort of like an encore in a concert, still entertaining you, but it tops up the overall satisfaction, the one that conclude your craving as you shouted "we want more, we want more.." (or at least that's what I'm trying to).

I learned the hard way to finally appreciate this. Relationships are indeed like driving a car.

The common tragedy is the guy is always behind the steering wheel, taking it where he wanted to lead, not intending to stop, as all males love the speed. Meanwhile, the girl is on the passenger seat, enjoying every view, taking every trip together, and by the time she realize they're going nowhere, no brake is on her side of the car.

So while in panic, what's the most logical thing to do?

She has to pull the emergency hand-brake. That stopped the two of them in shock, didn't know that was coming. The girl had enough of going round and round with no sense of direction, the boy fell in sudden tantrum for being rejected out of nowhere. Then both left off traumatized of ever riding another car.

While my friend above shared about speed. I find it as equally essential is destination. If you don't have any idea where or why you're going, then at one point of your journey, you'll draw back, as you've wasted time, energy, and resources for nothing.

If you're riding one right now. Or about to. Make sure you have the very fundamental question answered. Like anyone going on a trip, ask: Where are we going, babe?. And like everyone, you would like to know if you're going to enjoy the place you're going. And so you discuss, and so you talked, and sometimes you make sacrifices, forgoing one thing for something better.

But the silver lining is you both agreed on it.

And when you know your destination and your purpose, and you're committed to it, whenever you have a detour, you'll both know to stop and redirect yourself. And whatever obstacles on sight, you'll both work your way over, under, and through it. You'll cherish it.

So, anyway, I'm going there, that place under the rainbow. If you are too, then hop in. =p

Smile on, Shine on.

p.s: If you like to hear more about this, I've made a related post before on this particular subject. Have a read on Don't Just Do It.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Plus in a Minus (PLUM)

I once came across a beautiful illustration about a king in a galaxy far-far away. This king had a terrible nightmare about him losing all his teeth. And so he went out looking for advisers who can help him interpret his dream. Then came the first adviser, he said to the king: "Your highness, your dream simply means that you are going to lose the people around you, your family will die and fall one by one. Though you are rich, you'll be left alone." Hearing this the king went ferociously mad, and directly requested to chop off this guy's head and ask for better advisers.

Then came the second one, and he said to the king: "Your majesty, your dream is a good news for you, you will stay healthy to enjoy all your wealth and prosperity, and you will live the longest life among the people around you." And what an excellent interpretation thinks the king, and he crowned the second advisers with gold and all the unthinkable riches a man can wish for. Does the second one telling the same truth as the first one? Yes! It's the way he present it that makes the different. He chose to focus on the positive side of the delivery and that reward him beautifully. 

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things ... put it into practice and the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians).

So, what do you choose to think? Do you see Plus in a Minus or the other way around? The decision is yours. =)

Inspired by these lovely friends of mine in Sydney who coined the phrase Plus in a Minus (PLUM). Rather than listening to the constant stream of negativity from newspaper, tv, etc (hmm..gonna write something about this), I chose to spread positivity, and their Facebook site is one of good influence, check them out here: PLUM or you can follow them on Twitter @I_Love_Plum. Above is their campaign logo. Way to go peeps! Astound the world!

Smile on, Shine on.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Aren't we all numbers?
Yours two and two and eight and eight
I'm two more and two less than it
Aren't we all lovers?
You and your fullness
Me and my brokenness
Aren't we all wanderers?
Two steps forward, one step right
One more ahead, and I stopped on high
Aren't we all strings?
You bow yours, I strum mine
You lift a melody, I chord mine
Aren't we all believers?
You and your hands, hands and nose
Me and me eyes, eyes and thoughts

Yes we are, and no we are not.
Not, in the sense of now.
Not, in regard of tomorrow.

Written Sunday, at the very corner of my friends's room, on a cozy sofa, William Fitzsimmons on borrowed iPod (kinda hate Chris Brown With You is next in order, and I have to click previous, but then the intro has got in and kinda ruin the mood set by Fitzsimmons), but not at all gloom and doom. No, you got it wrong. Its actually the opposite.

From me. To nobody. I just had this sudden creative juice that I need to spill. But that means something to me though. Haha. Now I got you pondering again. I'm gonna leave it at that. ;p

Smile on, shine on.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

[Foodporn] Cheesecake Factory

Malam di Cheesecake Factory tadi akan menjadi salah satu malam yang tak terlupakan. Bukan hanya karena sajiannya, namun juga karena sahabat-sahabat yang bersama saya. Bukan hanya kenikmatannya, namun juga percakapan yang timbal-balik mengenai hidup yang banyak diselingi dengan guyon khas kami. Akh, bukan suatu kebetulan setelah sekian lama, akhirnya hari ini saya mengambil inisiatif untuk bertemu dengan mereka. Salah satunya adalah sahabat saya sejak masih duduk dan mengeja abjad di kelas Nol Besar.

Cukuplah romantisme-nya. Mari berlanjut ke review singkat saya. Kalau anda perhatikan cuplikan foto-foto di bawah ada empat menu yang kami pesan. Berdasarkan urutan: Chocolate Tart, Strawberry Cheesecake, Cheesecake Parade (or something like it, kinda forgot =p), dan terakhir namun bukan terbelakang, Blueberry Cheesecake.

Ingin rasanya saya review satu persatu, namun saat ini pukul 12:09 dini hari (thanks for the correction, mr.geeko), mari saya persingkat. Dari kesemuanya favorit saya tentunya adalah cheesecake'nya baik strawberry maupun blueberry'nya, semua tergantung selera buah mana yang anda suka. Selain itu yang cukup menarik adalah Chocolate Tart'nya, dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau (30.000 Rupiah - red) anda bisa mendapatkan berlapis-lapis cokelat manis yang dijamin bikin nagih dengan lapisan terbawah (yang berwarna putih) seperti cheesecake tipis yang memberi variasi rasa diluar rasa manis cokelat. Sudah terbayang bukan nikmatnya di lidah anda?

Kalau saya sih suka dengan tempat ini, karena lokasi'nya pun cukup nyaman, luas, dan atmosfirnya yang memungkinkan saya dan teman-teman berbincang panjang lebar. Well, cukup merepresentasikan tagline'nya "More Than Just A Cake Shop". Namun kalau boleh saya memberi masukan, kalau ada yang kenal pemiliknya, boleh disarankan agar menyelingkan lagu-lagu easy listening / jazzy tunes sebagai background ketimbang lagu dengan nada patah-patah electro yang saya rasa kurang sejalan dengan kenikmatan lembutnya cheesecake.

Selamat menikmati, foodpornders! Hehe.

Tersenyumlah, Bersinarlah!
Fellexandro Ruby


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wisdom (Andrew Zuckerman)

(I originally posted this in December 2008 through Facebook notes. Still relevantly inspiring until now)

After a series of up and down(s), hours of working, and fighting the silly Sydney weather, I awarded myself with a book. Yes, a book, that's how I indulge myself, a book, a bar of 600 gram cadbury milk chocolate (or a pack of wedges oven-cooked in exactly 14 minutes at 230 degrees, which ever my stomach calls for), and a nice cuddly bean bag. So, long story short, I got the latest and the hippest book by Andrew Zuckerman.

The idea is that the best thing a generation can give to the next generation is wisdom. So Mr.Zuckerman here, take the initiatives to go around the world meeting some the most prominent over-65-years-old, took photos, have a chat around the topic of wisdom, environment, conflict resolution, and love. Then the book is the result for us (as the next generation) to enjoy and learn from it. I love the idea of it, so yeah, I bought it (at a bargain price, 40% of the market price, don't ask how) and I'd like to share some of the wisdoms. See which one speaks to you the most. For me, Jacques Pepin's and Frank Gehry's. But overall, they are all great reminders and they're not just quotes. Why? Cause they've lived it out through their 60 years of life. They've fought the fight. And they're sharing the essence with us the younger generation. And we should listen. Why? Check Desmond Tutu's quote and you'll get it =p.

-------------------------- ---------------

Anyday that you dont do anything is a totally loss day
Anyday that you do just a little something, all those little something add up
Chuck Close

Most of us give up too early,
Failure is absolute essential in life
If we never fail, how can we possibly succeed
Cause we can only extend ourself to the limit of what we know
Failure teaches us what we dont know
Of course you gonna fall down,
but its your way, and when you reach the end, you'll get something
Bryce Courtenay

I never ever done a play in 50 years that has come easy to me,
I'd like to push myself on the fear level,
there is something about the fear that's absolutely wonderful
Judi Dench

Acting has that little futality in it,
you could fail horribly, there's a lil death
It it doesnt scare you then dont do it, cause you wont do any good
and embracing that uncertainty is actually the creative process
That's what give you the juice to go
Nick Nolte

Your best work is the expression of yourself
you may not be the greatest at it
but when you do it, you're the only expert in it
Frank Gehry

I hate to say this, some young people look for quick fit
If you gonna be a write its like you gonna be like being an opera singer
An opera singer is born with a special vocal chord
You can have so many singing lessons for the rest of your life and you'll never be a opera singer
You'll never be a writer if you are not born with certain qualities
Nadine Gordimer

You can't get to wonderful without passing 'alright'
There are times when i would like to be somebody else, i just don't have any other options
you know, the only choice we really have is to be us,
some of the most frustrating lives are people who can't come to grip with who they are
Bill Withers

There's no way that we can escape ourselves,
If i give you a recipe and i give another five people the same recipe
i will have five different dishes to taste with
If i give five people the same music score,
i'm gonna hear five different sounds
Jacques Pepin

My work is an outgrow of who I am, rather than the reason of who i am.
Alan Arkin

The moment we were gifted with words we simultaneoulsy receive imagination
we can ask a single sentence which is called 'what if'. That's what it's all about.
Bryce Courtenay

Most times we human beings can be quite silly
getting to make mistakes me made from previous generation
We learn from history that we don't learn from history
Desmond Tutu

I think we got to learn to love something deeply
I think its love, sounds sentimental as hell, but i think it is.
Andrew Wyeth

Life is not perfect, it never will be
you just have to make the very best of it,
you have to open your heart to what the world can show you
sometimes its terrifying and sometimes its incredibly beautiful
and I'll take both, Thanks
Graham Nash

-------------------------- -------------------------

I hope it inspires you as it did to me. There are lots of wisdom that I can't possibly contain in one note (well, it's mostly because I don't want to have to deal with intellectual property law), so yeah, I suggest you get your own copy. It's worth it (totally, if you could get 40% off as well =p)

Smile on, Shine on!

Monday, March 15, 2010

[Photos] Aaron's 1st Pool Session =)

Here's me capturing Aaron's first time watersplashing in his own pool. He was excited even when we were still pumping the airpool. Even more excited that he struggled from his Dad's hands to jump in when the water was just less than a finger high. And nothing could stop him since then. Started out quietly, he burst out into laughter when we splashed waters on him. You should've heard his outloudly-pure-and-innocent laughs (hmm.. kinda reminds me of someone *teaser abiss*) Well, you can predict what's next, he played and played until we pulled him up 20 minutes after.

Hope you enjoyed my first official photoworks. (for Blackbery user, zoom in, and click on the small thumbnails for best view, otherwise best enjoyed in Firefox browser and they're newly launched cute themes)

Smile on, Shine on.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Still Wondering About Wonderland?

I would submit Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland as one of those movies that you either get it or you don't. Either you like it or you don't. There's no right or wrong here, like food, one might find Durian tasty, while others might look at it as gross-sleamy-sticky distasteful fruit (for example: me!). However, despite of whatever your take on the movie, there are questions I found wandering around and I like to uncover them bit by bit.

Partly, because I'd like share that enjoying a movie doesn't necessarily begin the second the movie start and doesn't end the second the movie roll up its credit. A movie is an experience beyond that. You could still be discussing it days after you watched it. The quotes might rings to you months after. I guess you get what I meant. Now, the other part is because I'm a fan of Burton's work and when his work is on question, I'd like people to understand his beautiful mind that come up with the imagination that is so beyond our expectation that make you question in the first place. Confuse? Good. Cause I need you to be asking questions. Questions such as:

Q: Why does the story differ from the original one / different from the book?

A: It is intended to be different! Burton's is so creative and imaginative that he don't want to simply re-create a worldly popular story. Don't you notice that Alice is now 19 year-old? Don't you notice that she's about to be proposed? The Alice in the book was about 9 or 10 years old. This also answers your question on why does the Alice in Burton's version look so effin' old. In other word, Burton and the scriptwriter Linda Woolverton created sort of an extension of the story, or you can also put it as Chapter 13 of the original book by Lewis Carroll.

Q: So what is the plot in the Burton's Alice?
A: Notice this synopsis from : 19-year-old Alice returns to the magical world from her childhood adventure, where she reunites with her old friends. Get it? Good. Burton intention was to elaborate the original story to make it somewhat 'grow' in a sense, Alice now, as a young adult has forgotten her past adventures and is now facing modern struggles about love, unwanted wedding proposals, and discovering her place in world. In her confusion, she follows a white rabbit and falls into Wonderland, or as it is now called 'Underland'' and met the many fantasy characters she met on her first visit during her childhood. But the memories were stranded far from her, thus, everyone is questioning is she the 'real' Alice. But the answer can only be found within her, and only when she realize her true-self as THE Alice that she begin to realize her true destiny : to end Red Queen's reign of terror.

Q: What are the good stuffs in Burton's Alice?
A: First and foremost the AMAZING visual that is so Burton and I believe only Burton can do that. Also there are lessons we can get. Well, everyone might interpret different things and construct different thoughts but here's what I get:

  • Remember Mad Hatter was saying about Alice losing her 'Muchness' ? That's what I meant above about finding her sense-of-self, which applies to most of us. Only when we realize our 'muchness' or in worldly translation 'passion' or 'purpose' that you might find your identity in the world.

  • Red Queen and White Queen are very natural representation of selfish and big-headed person being dethrone by someone with sincere heart and selfless attitude.

  • Think about six impossible things before breakfast. Which means: impossible is nothing. The things that once impossible have proven to be possible. It used to take days or month to interact with family overseas, and that is through words only (letters). But imagination and creativity has made it hallmark. Now people can see each other even when they are separated by miles of distance, thanks to founder of webcam and internet and Skype who dare to think about the 'impossible'.

Seems like a lot to crunch. It might just me who spend to much time pondering about movies. But I must say I like movies that squeeze out my imagination. In Alice's case I have to dig even before I watched it to learn that it actually not a re-make. And four days after watching here I am still very much influenced by the movie that I'm sharing the hints to ease you in understanding the movie and in a way understanding Burton.

If you like this. And think that you want to venture other Burton's work and let your imagination ignites, you gotta watch Big Fish (2003).

Curiouser, Curioser

Thursday, March 4, 2010

(berjib) aku

Aku ingin bisa menulis
Kau tahu?
Menulis dan membiarkan jari-jemari ini mengguncang dunia
Duniaku, duniamu, dan dunia-Nya

Aku ingin terus menulis
Kau mengerti?
Dari gelanggang pikiran, dari hati, dari penglihatan
Dari itu dan ini, kamu dan aku, sini dan situ, lama dan baru

Lekas, agar kau tak lekang!

Waktu tak berharap mengulang!

Aku tak ingin terlambat.
Aku sudah cukup bersahabat.
Dengan iya dan boleh, coba dan mari, siap dan oke
Aku berlebih namun aku berkurang
Aku berlebih namun aku berkurang
Aku di sana namun aku tak pernah sampai
Aku terang namun aku tak bersinar


Aku ingin selalu menulis
Apakah kau nikmati?
Aku iya.
Ah, kau tak berarti di kala ini.
Selama Dia berjaya. Aku berjaya.

Aku akan menulis.

Aku sudah menulis.

Dan aku tak berhenti.

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