Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Random Act of Kindness. You Can Do It Too = )

Good day Wanderbiters! It's been a week or so since my last post. Haven't been eating out that much. I did, but was in the mood for street hawker kind of cuisine. Good GOOD food, but aren't as pretty as I wanted to display here. =P So bear with me. Something sweet, something colorful is on its way.

In the mean time, I'm passing you this opportunity to spread some love (it doesn't have to be February for this right?). Ever watch that movie Pay It Forward starring Kevin Spacey and Haley Joel Osment? Yes, that little kid that decided to help a homeless guy by housing him and only asking one thing in return: to pass forward the act of kindness to another person.

So, here's a little act of kindness you can pass on today. I've been wanting iPad desperately. It would definitely help me in my line of work and ease me in spreading these scrumptious foodphotos around. Wait-wait, I'm not asking you to buy me. But simply clicking on this link of a contest I'm joining and vote on my photo:

And in return, I shall forward my act of kindness further to another. You'll be in touch with this. You never know, your one click, one vote might goes farther and present greater good than that. Thank you Wanderbiters.

Yours Truly,
Fellexandro Ruby

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